Now that the summer months are coming, many followers ask if it is OK to drink coffee in summer. Absolutely yes!!
Caffeine helps overcome the tired feeling due to heat and sweating. It also helps replenish vitamins, minerals and antioxidants lost through sweating. So forget the myth that coffee is only a cold-weather drink.

Did you know?
You can serve RossOro in some very cool and refreshing ways…
Here are some COOL styles of drinking your RossOro coffee this summertime:
- Blend your favourite Rossoro coffee with ice cubes, and you have a fresh, energetic drink!
- Have you ever tried pouring your Rossoro coffee over vanilla ice cream? No? you don’t know what you’re missing. It is just awesome, and in Italy, we call it Affogato (literally – drowned!)
- How about a Mint Mojito Iced coffee?
- Rossoro coffee,
- Water,
- x1 Spoon of simple syrup,
- x2 Spoons heavy cream,
- Add ice.
- Blend everything and enjoy!!
- Meanwhile, the Sicilian coffee granita with Panna is a favourite any day! Check it out here
Stay tuned for more insights on our Blog page soon!